Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Perception Down Under

I arrived in Belgium on 9-11, a visitor in a foreign country during a tragically tumultuous time of loss and confusion.

Last week I awoke in Australia to another civilian disaster with the same ingredients linking global grief and sorrow.  Outcries once again echoed across borders.

The television reports in Australia were somber and as factual as possible.  I was overwhelmed by the lack of “ finger pointing” and their grieving words.  This is a country of adventurers and mavericks.  Travelling is in the genes of the Aussies, encouraged by the surrounding seas.

The perspectives from “ Down Under” touched me.  The reports did not blaze away with contempt for the hundreds of countrymen lost.  They spoke of the Lost Souls.  The word soul was repeated. There was solace in that word for me and for the lives terminated so suddenly.

Reporting was compassionate and sensitive.  Loss was expressed not only for Aussie countrymen but also for all and for lost dreams.  Filtering through this “Down Under” lens of loss I sensed and experienced a reverence of explorers and deeply connected souls.

Globalization struck a new chord for me that day.  It started with the letter “C”.  Compassion without borders and communication without brisk judgment.

May we celebrate every day with personal peace while remembering our connection beyond manmade territories.


Tottering on the platform
The metal edge dented and pitted with decisions
She balances between
and propulsion

Looking to the left and right
provides no clues
She dances within
whirling in place
Her pinnacle
Her trademark in this moment

Mesmerized in its highlighted
presence upon her