Friday, January 22, 2016

Letter from MIdlife Woman

I may appear tired to you
from the frenzy of thoughtless past

I may appear sad to you
from remembrance of sun filled days
of dance and drink

I may appear lost within the stillness
of my core
but none of these things are the truth within my field

The expectation of non commanded adventures
The pensive nature of being me
The restful body capturing light and energy for the next
frolic or peaceful glance

Yes, Midlife Man, I see you as well
a bit ragged, a bit lost
in thought

As circles penetrate each others circumference
there is motion,
there is dance, 
there is acceptance

I wish to collide with you, sliding the doors open to 
unforeseen vistas and quiet acknowlgement of living
living evermore in amazement 

This will come 
in unknown time
 I taste its richness and subtle tenderness

I am not tired,sad nor lost 

simply ready for the new etchings upon this life canvas