Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Purging the death 

into regeneration

Heightening the love and purpose

within the seed

Fear does not exist

Nature in its finest

Blends with what is

Forgiving of its past and now

Forging forward

Unscathed by events

Lifting higher with each earth breath

it seeks to tell a story

a Story for us 

a Tale of Constant, Beautiful Truth

We are part of it

In our Rising 

Key To Me

 From whence comes the loneliness?

With Worthiness sitting underneath

From deeper seated dreams

Inability to traverse alone

across work, love and existence

As i look to break this ceiling

composed of straw concrete

It's false facade

Hanging from strings

I challenge myself to lightly

graze it surface

opening to the resolve sky

The pure me

The creative me

The loving me

The me loving me


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Non Earth

Surf lingers from the turbulence below as I silently pause in 

remembrance of my mother's womb

this rise and fall

Pristine horizons upon my gaze, laden with salted whiteness

recognizing what lies ahead, I am still

I can choose to be reborn today or hide a bit longer within my 

watery shelter

This is not the earthling soil

steadfast in it roundedness

It is a gaze into intentional horizons of non Earth

Its balanced act between fluid water and flowing sky

Yet I recognize it and propel myself forward to be reborn again