Saturday, February 2, 2013

Slippery Surfaces

You slipped from your past
and I the same

Slippery surfaces remain
but greater peace appears
with grace

Second guessing the power
of now
I mold chaotic scenes
into a coffin of lumpy dried out clay

The breath and life
of this moment is sweet
is pure and easily formed

Have I too long strangled
the moments, thinking
that  was living ? Fighting the now
with What If's or Not enough?

I awaken today
to accept this peace
this moment
this now and to
accept the love that flows to me

It is a priveledge

May I learn to tenderly
hold these moments
To let them birth without
To let them flow like the river
that splashes and dances with each
obstacle it encounters

Thank you for slipping from your
to meet me here

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